Writing & Intelligence:
Sustainable Fashion 

Bylines span global trade publications such as Women’s Wear Daily (WWD), collegiate news organizations like Her Campus and College Fashionista, as well as localized philanthropic writing.

Kaley’s nuanced coverage and access grants unparalled insight into fashion. She’s highly sought for consulting and speaking gigs alike with spotlights at Yahoo Finance, Cheddar, AP, TedX Climate “Countdown” and New York-based trade shows.  

Please inquire via email. 

Credit: Daniella Nicole Photography 2024 

Selected Testimonials: 

“Kaley approached our requirement with intelligence, creativity, and tact, and produced output that was immensely beneficial for our project and fit the specifications perfectly. Kaley worked efficiently and was communicative throughout the course of the project. Additionally, Kaley was open about what would be feasible in the project time frame which was helpful from a project management perspective. I would highly recommend Kaley for any consultancy position in the fashion sustainability sector and would welcome the opportunity to work with her again.”

–Recent client, global advisory firm 

“When it comes to sustainability in fashion apparel, beauty, consumer goods and retail, there is no one more knowledgeable. But her expertise goes beyond knowing the industry inside and out. Kaley instinctively takes a systems thinking approach to sustainability issues big and small. It’s this holistic approach that makes Kaley a credible researcher, writer, editor, speaker and consultant. And she’s a pleasure to work with. I would highly recommend her for any project that involves sustainability and sustainable practices.” 

–Workplace collaborator    

Featured Stories: 

Leading industry analysis from circular business models to sustainable investments.

NYC Fashion Manufacturers Speak Out on Late Payments - April 2022, WWD

Bye Bye Flagships? Tiny Stores Boast Big Eco-gains - August 2023, WWD


Established in 2016, ThriftEd Mag (www.thriftedmag.com) is the original print and digital thrift magazine making reuse modern through creative collaboration and pop-up retail.

Standing for “Thrift Editorial,” ThriftEd’s infamous creative campaigns drew organic reach of 8,000 on Facebook alone with pop-ups (like its early editions held in Blacksburg,Virginia) selling out within the hour. 


Along with crafting the written word, Kaley is a practicing artist. 

Explore more via @Studiokales

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